Variable ThreeWrapper

ThreeWrapper: {
    AddBoxBasedImaging: ((nodeMap, bounds?, color?, size?) => Group);
    AddCylinderBasedImaging: ((nodeMap, divisonLength?, color?, size?) => Group);
    AddInModularityBasedPointGroups: ((Graph, propertyName) => Promise<{
        EdgeGroups: Map<number, Group>;
        nodeGroups: Map<number, Group>;
    ChangeTheVertexColours: ((vertices, indexArray, color) => void);
    DrawSimplifiedEdges: ((Graph, amount, color?) => Group);
    DrawTHREEBoxBasedVertices: ((Graph, bounds?, color?, size?) => Group);
    DrawTHREEGraphEdgesThick: ((Graph, bounds?, color?, thickness?) => Group);
    DrawTHREEGraphEdgesThin: ((Graph, bounds?, color?) => Group);
    DrawTHREEGraphVertices: ((Graph, bounds?, size?, color?, alpha?) => Group);
    DrawThickEdgesFromEdgeMap: ((EdgeMap, bounds, color?, thickness?) => Group);
    DrawThinEdgesFromEdgeMap: ((LineMap, bounds?, color?) => Group);
    ResetVertexColors: ((vertices) => void);

Type declaration

  • AddBoxBasedImaging: ((nodeMap, bounds?, color?, size?) => Group)
      • (nodeMap, bounds?, color?, size?): Group
      • Adde boxes where all the boxes are


        • nodeMap: Map<number, Point>

          a map of all the nodes

        • bounds: number = 1

          global scale of the edges to be drawn, defaults to 1

        • color: number = 0xffffff

          default color of the edges, defaults to white

        • size: number | number[] = 10

          size of the nodes defaults to 10

        Returns Group

        a group of vertices that contains all of the boxes associated with each one of the vertices

  • AddCylinderBasedImaging: ((nodeMap, divisonLength?, color?, size?) => Group)
      • (nodeMap, divisonLength?, color?, size?): Group
      • Draw cylinders where all the vertices are based on a node map


        • nodeMap: Map<number, Point>

          the node map assiciate with the graph that has to be drawn out

        • divisonLength: number = 16

          the length of the divisions that are there in each one of the cylinder (this is a circumfurence amount), defaults to 16

        • color: number = 0xffffff

          the default color of the cylinder, defaults to white

        • size: number | number[] = 10

          the default size of the cylinder, defaults to 10

        Returns Group

  • AddInModularityBasedPointGroups: ((Graph, propertyName) => Promise<{
        EdgeGroups: Map<number, Group>;
        nodeGroups: Map<number, Group>;
      • (Graph, propertyName): Promise<{
            EdgeGroups: Map<number, Group>;
            nodeGroups: Map<number, Group>;
      • Split up a graph and return an boject containing a bunch of node groups and edge groups based on some parameterS


        • Graph: Graph

          the graph that you want to split up

        • propertyName: string

          the property that you want to split them on

        Returns Promise<{
            EdgeGroups: Map<number, Group>;
            nodeGroups: Map<number, Group>;

        • an object that hasa set of node vertices and a set of edge lines based on the splitting factor
  • ChangeTheVertexColours: ((vertices, indexArray, color) => void)
      • (vertices, indexArray, color): void
      • Change all the vertex colors based on some array of properties


        • vertices: Points<BufferGeometry, Material | Material[]>

          ThreeJS Points object, be sure to pass in the points object and not the group that the points belong too

        • indexArray: number[]

          The array of the indices of all the nodes whose values that have to be changed

        • color: number

          The color that they have to be changed too

        Returns void

  • DrawSimplifiedEdges: ((Graph, amount, color?) => Group)
      • (Graph, amount, color?): Group
      • Draw simplified line edges (thin based) based on some number. This number is a fraction of the total number of edges (so if you specify 0.1 it would draw 10% of the edges)


        • Graph: Graph

          The graph that has to be drawn out

        • amount: number

          The fraction of edges to be drawn

        • color: number = 0xffffff

          color of these edges - defaults to 0.1

        Returns Group

        • a group of simple lines based on all the edges supplied to it
  • DrawTHREEBoxBasedVertices: ((Graph, bounds?, color?, size?) => Group)
      • (Graph, bounds?, color?, size?): Group
      • Draw box based verices given a graph


        • Graph: Graph

          The graph that needs its vertices drawn

        • bounds: number = 1

          A global scale for the graph, defaults to one

        • color: number = 0xffffff

          Default color of the boxes defaults to white

        • size: number | number[] = 10

          Default size of the nodes defaults to 10

        Returns Group

  • DrawTHREEGraphEdgesThick: ((Graph, bounds?, color?, thickness?) => Group)
      • (Graph, bounds?, color?, thickness?): Group
      • Draws out all the edges (Thick edges of a graph)


        • Graph: Graph

          The graph whose edges have to be drawn

        • bounds: number = 1

          the global scale for all the edges to be drawn defaults to 1

        • color: number = 0xffffff

          color of the edges defaults to white

        • thickness: number = 0.2

          thickness of the edges (defaults to 0.2)

        Returns Group

        a Three Js group of edges that can be added to the scene

  • DrawTHREEGraphEdgesThin: ((Graph, bounds?, color?) => Group)
      • (Graph, bounds?, color?): Group
      • Draw thin lines for all the edges given a graph


        • Graph: Graph

          The graph that has to be drawn

        • bounds: number = 1

          The global scale factor for the the edges - defaults to 1

        • color: number = 0xffffff

          color of the lines - defaults to white

        Returns Group

  • DrawTHREEGraphVertices: ((Graph, bounds?, size?, color?, alpha?) => Group)
      • (Graph, bounds?, size?, color?, alpha?): Group
      • Draw the veritces of the graph out as a point cloud


        • Graph: Graph

          the graph that has to be drawn out

        • bounds: number = 1

          A global scaling parameter defaults to 1 but change to scale up a garph

        • size: number | number[] = 1

          The size of all the nodes - either input an array the same length of the number of nodes decribing how big each node is, or a global node value as a number or defaults to 1

        • color: number = 0xffffff

          the color of the node defaults to white

        • alpha: number = 1

          the alpha value of the node defaults to 1 (opaque)

        Returns Group

        a three JS group that contains all the vertices as a point cloud or a three js points object that can be added to the scene

  • DrawThickEdgesFromEdgeMap: ((EdgeMap, bounds, color?, thickness?) => Group)
      • (EdgeMap, bounds, color?, thickness?): Group
      • Draw thick edges from an edge map


        • EdgeMap: Map<number, Line>

          The edge map associated with the graph

        • bounds: number

          The global scale of the graph - defaults to 1

        • color: number = 0xffffff

          The color of the edges - defaults to white

        • thickness: number = 0.2

          thickness of the edges - defaults to 0.2

        Returns Group

  • DrawThinEdgesFromEdgeMap: ((LineMap, bounds?, color?) => Group)
      • (LineMap, bounds?, color?): Group
      • Draw Line map as lines given the edge map assocaited with the graph


        • LineMap: Map<number, Line>

          The edge map that has to be drawn out

        • bounds: number = 1

          Global scale for the edges to be drawn defaults to 1

        • color: number = 0xffffff

          Color of the edges defaults to 1

        Returns Group

  • ResetVertexColors: ((vertices) => void)
      • (vertices): void
      • This resets all the colors to white


        • vertices: Points<BufferGeometry, Material | Material[]>

          ThreeJS Points object, be sure to pass in the points object and not the group that the points belong too

        Returns void

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