Here are the examples for the Plebeian Graph Library:

Example 1:

A simple example of a simple graph - this is the ZKC dataset, this come with the library to familiarize yourself with the library

Example 1

Example 2:

The same example but with the edge bundling, edge displacement functionalities being demonstrated

Example 2

Example 3:

A key feature of the library is to render really large graphs, this is an example with 5000 points. It also has some of the other features like the kamada kawai layout feature being demonstrated here. The Erdos-Reyni model is also whats used here to generate the really large graph

Example 3

Example 4:

Lastly, edges really slow down the rendering time associated with the visualisation, in most cases I render in batches and draw some of the edges, this example shows the edge sampling operation. Also one of the key features of the library, dynamically changing properties of the graph, for example in this case it randomly activates some of the nodes, this feature is what helps in simulating diffusion cascades on networks

Example 4